Review: Agricola
Title: Argicola
Publisher: Mayfair
Designer: Uwe Rosenberg
Plays: 1-4
Ages: 12+
Time investment: 90+ minutes
Agricola is set in the 17th century. You and your spouse live in a modest two room wooden hut and eke out a living as a farmer. Over the course of multiple rounds you will grow your family, extend and remodel your house, plow your fields, and try your hand at animal husbandry all while trying to produce enough food to feed your family. Points are earned based on your success in each of these endeavors and the victor will be the one who earned the most points for the most successful farm.
What Lee likes about Agricola:
This was one of my first European style I ever purchased. What makes Agricola great is all the players are just trying to feed their family. That is so hard to do in this game. The funny part is that as soon as you get your farm running really well, the game is over. If everyone had one more turn the world could see how great your farm is.
What Nicole likes about Agricola:
I love that this game can be played with increasing levels of complexity. You can play it with your family or with a hardcore gamer group. My favorite way to play is with the occupation and minor improvement cards. It’s impossible to earn the max number of points for every item on the final score sheet but I always try to every game. I have yet to achieve that goal.
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